Harmony Elementary Music Teacher Membership

Where elementary music teachers go from overwhelmed, stressed out, and unappreciated to confident in the classroom, fulfilled at work and home, and joyful in every day life.

Join Harmony here!

Imagine what it would feel like to have support as an elementary music teacher each and every week!

If you're…

  • feeling like you're hanging on by a thread
  • frustrated not knowing where to start when it comes to planning
  • worn out and thinking that work-life balance doesn’t even exist and is unattainable

Then, HARMONY is exactly where you need to be

We’re entering our 5th year and it just keeps getting better and better

➡️Think about how it would feel to have your time back while not needing to stay so late after school to plan.

➡️Imagine how much richer your life will be when you have time to pursue hobbies, like your musical passion, outside the classroom!


"Sat down today to really get acquainted with HARMONY and plan out August, because I'm leaving for Orff level 1 in a week. Holy cheese balls. I'm going to have August completely planned by the end of the day today. Last year (my first year), I NEVER was able to plan more than a week in advance and was so overwhelmed. This is such a game changer and I would highly recommend HARMONY to any elementary music teacher."

-Katie Holbrook- HARMONY member

"Thank you Jessica! HARMONY looks amazing. I really appreciate all the hard work you have put into your site. I already feel more inspired just having watched a few of your videos."

-Philippa Greenwood-HARMONY member

"Joining HARMONY is a no-brainer for someone like me who wants a community of teachers who are in the same boat - feeling a little overwhelmed with all the lessons, planning, extra-curriculars, and admin work. I especially like the success path, which helps you figure out exactly which actionable steps you should take, depending on whether you're burned out or doing ok, or somewhere in between. "

-Justin Hockey- HARMONY member

In the Harmony elementary music teacher membership, there are teachers who are brand new to teaching, have been teaching several years, from all over the U.S., and around the world, who use a variety of different teaching approaches, and also use a variety of curriculum, all ready to meet and support you this school year.


Think about the progress you've made as an educator on you're own, and then think about how much more progress you will make when you're surrounded by a community who is SO excited to cheer you on.

Your Instructor

Jessica Peresta
Jessica Peresta

Jessica holds a Bachelors of Music Education degree from Oral Roberts University and a Masters in Educational Technology degree from the University of Arkansas. Jessica is passionate about teaching music, curriculum design, mentoring and coaching music educators, and providing ongoing professional development for music teachers around the world. Her passion for this started after her experience of starting an music program from scratch at an inner city elementary school in Tulsa, OK. Over the 7 years there, she went from having no resources or teaching materials to helping her students develop a love and passion for learning music.

Now, she teaches PK3-4th grade music at The Hill School as well as being the founder and CEO of The Domestic Musician, LLC, the Curriculum Design Roadmap course, the HARMONY membership site, and The Elementary Music Teacher Blueprint course. She's also the host of The Elementary Music Teacher podcast, the author of the book "Make A Note: What You Really Need To Know About Teaching Elementary Music", on the teacher advisory board at Teacher Vision, and the professional development coordinator for F-flat Books.

Get started now!


That's why the Harmony Elementary Music Teacher Membership is the Logical Next Step

So what is it exactly?

It's THE place where elementary music teachers come to get the support they need in a big way.


➡️Periodic virtual audio coffee chats with Jessica

➡️ Done for you lesson plans for K-5 to use for the entire school year.

➡️Access to:

1. a success path to help you go from overwhelmed to confident
2. short video trainings
3. PDF resources
4. Action steps to help you move forward with where you are right now

➡️A full K-5th curriculum map that will be easy to follow all year long and helps guide you in what to teach each 9 weeks

➡️Access to the HARMONY calendar so you never miss a thing

➡️Bonus resources including a lesson planning calendar and lesson plan tracker

➡️Digital resources for teaching and your classroom

➡️HARMONY member share videos

➡️Video lessons taught by Jessica that you can use with your students or leave with a substitute teacher

➡️A members only podcast with Facebook lives, member call replays, and solo episodes by Jessica

➡️Access to every challenge and workshop that aren't available to the public

The Harmony elementary music teacher membership is different than ANY other online curriculum because there’s the community, mentorship, and accountability aspect behind it.

It’s more of a personal touch and you can’t find that anywhere else.

After enrolling, you'll see the success path:

The HARMONY elementary music teacher membership was created to help you go from feeling burnt out to confident as an elementary music teacher. Every teacher's journey is different and yours won't look like anyone else's. That's good news though, because your students need the unique and one of a kind music teacher that you are.

The success path will help you to identify where you're at right after becoming a member. Then, you'll be guided in the stage you're in and what to access in the membership site FIRST so you can gain forward momentum. After enrolling, you'll see the different categories (courses) to meet you right where you're at.

Just like your students have different learning styles, the same goes for you as a music teacher. That's why in the membership site, you'll see content provided in video, audio, and PDF format that is all completely downloadable and easily accessible from any electronic device.

Not only that, you'll be able to consume the content how YOU need it. You'll be supported with teaching topics, specific teaching content, planning resources, full editable lesson plans you can teach, and ideas for teaching virtually and on a cart.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to HARMONY?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to HARMONY for as long as you're a member! If you purchased the Curriculum Design Roadmap course, you won't lose access to that since it's lifetime access.
Can I use a school purchase order?
Yes! If you want to enroll with a purchase order, you can enroll by emailing me at [email protected] and I'll give you the details about how this works and will help you enroll!
Can I un-enroll and rejoin?
Absolutely! There are members that leave and come back later for a variety of reasons. With that said, the price is always subject to change and you may not get to pay the current price you're paying at the time of cancellation.
What if I want to upgrade to a one time payment option?
If you decide you're wanting to switch from one plan (monthly or annual) to the other, just shoot me an email at [email protected] and we'll get you set up.
Are the lesson plans based on a particular teaching philosophy?
The lesson plans were created from several different teaching philosophies including Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze, and others. The curriculum map is laid out in that way as well. If you lean more towards one philosophy over another, the lesson plans are completely editable and you can add or take away anything based on what works for your students and your teaching style.
Why should I enroll if I just went through the Curriculum Design Roadmap course?
The course and membership site go together like peanut butter and jelly. The course taught the content and the membership site is here to support you on your unique and individual journey. Since the course is only 5 weeks long, the membership is ongoing and is here to give you the consistent support you need all school year long.
Do I get a PD certificate to use towards my state licensing requirements?
I will absolutely provide a PD certificate if you request one. This is up to your district if they'll approve the hours, so check with your admin or supervisor about this.

If you're wanting…

… To have balance in your work and home life, while having more time to enjoy teaching and actually living life …

… To get done for you lesson plans and ongoing support so you stop feeling frustrated in your teaching life day in and day out ...

...To actually enjoy teaching music and finding your creativity again and free up time you spend planning...

You're ready for the HARMONY elementary music teacher membership!

Hey friend,

I've been right where you are. Seriously.

I know how lonely it can feel being the only music teacher in your school and having no one to bounce ideas off of. You have SO many questions, and if you try to email a mentor teacher or a friend, they're either slow to respond or give a short answer.

You're left to just kind of figure it out on your own and feel frustrated most days. Been there and done that.

I can't even count on my hands the number of times I got in my car to drive home and immediately just started crying due to pure frustration.

So, it's my mission to make sure no music teacher feels defeated, lost, let down, overwhelmed, or like you're not good enough.

More than anything, Harmony will help you to realize you're not alone. You'll be surrounded by an amazing group of music teachers who completely understand what you're walking through and want to go along this elementary music teaching journey with you.

If you're ready to stop feeling lonely and are ready to get constant support in EVERY area of teaching and life, then the Harmony membership is exactly where you need to be my friend.

I can't wait to support you throughout the school year. I'm so excited to meet you and to cheer you on every single day in the Harmony membership!


Get started now!

One more thing...

It’s a dream of mine to make the Harmony membership (and any of my courses) free to you as a teacher. So, with that said, I want to provide some strategies, suggestions, and tips for you to pay for the membership site without digging into your own pocket.

As you’re looking at ways to help with the expenses of paying for the Harmony membership or any other professional development, you might need to talk to your administrator about funding.

So, I've created this PDF that provides a list of ways to get funding, but also a letter to provide to your administration or district.
